Friday, January 1, 2010

You Told Me to Calm Down

My friends and I heard of the magical land that is Alligator Lounge in Williamsburg, tasty free pizza with every drink?!? When we went I admittedly had low expectations of said pizza, but the bartender was super stoked with us when we told him it was our first time, propz to him for being so fuggin delightful. My friends and I set a timer on our phones to countdown the 5 minutes until tastytown. When I went back to the kitchen area to retrieve my hard-drank pizza, I let out a squeal of girlish delight, and you, the chef, told me to calm down. I was getting a free personal pizza, and you told me to CALM DOWN. Are you telling me that every other night of the week, drunk people don't come into that bar and get super EXCITED to enjoy an amazing pizza (that I'm sorry I ever underestimated)? It was the most wonderful thing to happen in my mouth that week, and you should be so grateful to work around such delicacies. If you see this, let me know when you work next, I have a megaphone I'd like you to meet.

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